Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Nak pegi kat baby sarah!!!

It all started when ilinyaya repeatedly ask when is the next trip to see sarah and amar. Despite all the reasons given for not being able to go, they kept on asking after a few days.

As an alternative, last school holidays, we took a quick trip to Austria... or is it Germany, or France, or Belgium.......... or the never never land... ehhh tak sure lah... see for yourself.

This is the entrance to the 'kingdom'.

The Main Street
(err there's only one street in the entire area)

The view from our room.
(Doesn't look so European though)

The so-called Drawbridge...
Well, sorry no princess sarah or sir amar here but the kids enjoyed the time off at a cooler place. A few interesting 'happenings' to be shared in next posts (tak tau bila).
p/s To those who might want to take a trip here, may want to pack some food/instant food. Shops/restaurants closes as early as 7:30 pm!! Macam kat Europe gak... and the prices pun mak datooooooooookk...


Mama Sarah said...

where is this place? Bukit Tinggi ke?

how far is it from shah alam? boleh gi seround lagi nanti.

p/s: newborn dah ada nama ke blom?

Mama Sarah said...

ke desaru?

ilinYaya said...

newborn's name:
faris nazril (....kot)