Sunday, August 20, 2006

while we were eating...

one fine day, we were all gathering to have a family lunch. the kids, as usual, tak berapa minat nak sembang & makan. they had their quick bite and of they go for either TV or colouring or looking at pictures in books.

izlin this time had taken one of opah's books (the one opah normally uses for her tution sessions). she's obviously attracted to the colourful illustrations. suddenly it became more than flipping thru the pages for izlin. watch this:

and cheeky yaya....... as usual busy with her fruits, trying to coerce kakak into tasting one slice of manggo masam...


Mama Sarah said...

hahahaha... i wonder kalau sarah ada mcam mana eh? kakak can become the teacher.

sarah gerenti jadi the tak nak duduk diam student.

ilinYaya said...

she's not into teaching yet... dok syok sendiri baca for own pleasure. whenever she comes across a word which is not familiar, she'll bug us.

Mama Sarah said...

kata gi desaru. bila nak update ni?

ilinYaya said...

jap jap... ada hal sket... it's coming. tungguuuuu