This is how, I take my ablution,
This is how, I take my ablution,
This is how, I take my ablutuon,
Every time before I pray.
Number 1, I wash my hands,
Number 2, I wash my mouth,
Number 3, I wash my nose,
Number 4, I wash my face.
etc. etc. etc..
Right to left, every time, I wash 3 times.
This is a song that ilinyaya learnt at school. One day, they came back humming this song and we thot that it was kind of an interesting way to learn the sequence. Never mind the kelam kabutness of the tune and the verses which does not rhyme. Akademi Fantasia teachers and panel of critiques would shriek with horror listening to this song. Still it somewhat got the girls interested.
Unfortunately, they are just interested on the singing/humming but when it comes to practice, hancusssss... Even the teachers commented during the parent-teacher day. The girls are brilliant in other areas but when it comes to ambik air sembahyang, berterabur.
I decided to do something about this and started my piece of art.
After 2 sessions, it worked!!! Izlin manage to remember the sequence in perfect order! Ilya still struggling, always forgot to cuci telinga... (sunat anyway) and probably why tak berapa nak dengar instructions.
Although Izlin is the one who remembers the sequence well, Ilya on the other hand is the one who is more keen to do it! Always lepas mandi, she will start the routine (eventhough tunggang terbalik).
har har har... so funny.
is the photo purposely done in such way? minute size? i had to click on it to view the drawing.
eh, dah ok pulak gambar. must be the server.
oh btw, why don't you record their ablution taking, upload on youtube, and then here. may be sarah boleh belajar juga.
good idea... but i am not going to be responsible if sarah learn the wrong things from the video nanti..
upload lah video of them jugak guna youtube.
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